
  • Here we go…

    #burningman #brc2024 #goldenspike

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  • Survival Guide Time

    The Survival Guide (which you will, of course, read) is available for all! You’ll still get the pretty, hard copy with your ticket but might as well start the reading and getting excited and not dying now! Burning Man 2024 Survival Guide Go on. Read it!

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  • Placed!

    Here we go again! As we leave the BRCHOA behind us (paying exorbitant fees to extricate us from the HOA) we find ourselves in strange lands. Hopefully you’ll find us there too. Center Camp Plaza @ 6:45 What will this new landscape look like? Down the rabbit hole we go…

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  • The Golden Spike is in!

    It’s the news that makes it real every year. Black Rock City is happening. Now…about last year’s laundry. #burningman #brc2023 Image from the Burning Man Project

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  • Into the Fediverse

    Looking for updates from your favorite Theme Camp? (that’s us, btw) Follow us from your favorite ActivityPub enabled platform! (WordPress, Mastodon, Friendica, Flipboard, etc etc). Find us

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  • This is no wiki!

    What have you done!? What have YOU done? Short story…the wiki broke (also you never used it)…but mostly it broke and Dr. Carl’s SysAdmin Team had neither the patience nor the inclination to build you a new one. So. Here we are.

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